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This is easily the most evidence-backed, not click-bait, not "#1 Stock Now!" investing information I've found. I value supporting that. — Jerome Steckler
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If you need a flavor of our work, here you'll find a collection of all our articles organized by their respective themes. Some of our popular articles (The first two are free):
Consider a Japanese worker who started working in 1980. Assuming a 30-year career & $1K annual investment into Nikkei 225, by the time he retired in 2010, the $30K invested would have turned into $20K. A -31% return over 30-years.
Do investors benefit from the Lindy Effect? To test this, we evaluated the performance of 70 companies that were 100+ years old and benchmarked them against the S&P 500. Here are the results:
Where do millionaires invest their money?
One of the most overlooked aspects of investing is Shannon's Demon: Using it, we can consistently generate positive returns from two uncorrelated assets having zero expected long-term returns.
Some boring but important stuff
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This is easily the most evidence-backed, not click-bait, not "#1 Stock Now!" investing information I've found. I value supporting that. — Jerome Steckler
A must-read for any investor — Graham Stephan, #1 Finance Creator on YouTube
As a financial advisor, I value your research, insight, and the stories you convey. Thank you! — Michael Bird, CIMA®, AIF®
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This publication’s authors are not licensed investment professionals. Nothing produced under the Market Sentiment brand should be construed as investment advice. Do your own research before investing.